Chapter 1: We balance our rights between individual freedom & safety of the public
Chapter 2: Deciding what should be protected speech & when it should be restricted
Chapter 3: When religious beliefs & practices conflict with public & private policy
Chapter 4: A free and independent press
Chapter 5: The Bill of Rights didn’t apply to the states at first
Chapter 6: It’s time to talk about guns
Chapter 7: Your right to remain silent and a fair trial with an attorney
Chapter 9: The unfinished work to ensure liberty and rights for everyone
Chapter 1: What Congress looks like, what it does, and the powers it holds
Chapter 2: Why Congress seems so broken right now
Chapter 3: What does the president do?
Chapter 4: The modern presidency is nothing like the first U.S. president
Chapter 5: How our federal court system operates
Chapter 6: Questioning the legitimacy of the Supreme Court