Political Socialization Avatars

You have been learning about political socialization, the process in which a person adopts their political beliefs. You will build a political socialization profile of an avatar assigned to you. Your avatar profile will reflect what we know about the process of political socialization, the generational influences and impacts of defining events.


  • This assignment uses content from 4.2 Political Socialization, 4.3 Changes in Ideology, and 4.4 Influence of Political Events on Ideology. You need to be proficient in content from those three sections BEFORE you begin building your avatar & profile.
  • You will be given a card with an age and a political leaning, it is then up to you to use content knowledge from the sections above to build your profile.
  • The avatar profile you build will be used by the rest of the class to learn trends in political socialization, you should become an expert in the political & generational trends connected to the age & political leaning card you are assigned.
  • Using your expert knowledge, be creative in the presentation of your avatar, if your classmates can remember the fictional character you create, then they will also remember the political socialization trends. Humor & creativity helps.
  • You’ll present your avatar to the class beginning on Friday. Presentations should only be a min or two.
  • You can use Canva and any avatar builder you prefer. Pixton is another (free) avatar/comic app

Political Socialization Background
  • family
  • school
  • peers & friends
  • media
  • civic/religious organizations
Generational & Demographic Influences

Defining Events